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Our Services


Grow Your Team's capabilities and Experience

We organize inter-organizational and in-house workshops for knowledge enhancement and optimal practice-sharing. Workshops allow the participants to reflect on common issues linked to their industry and share best practice, alongside the inputs of the resource person. Every week, relevant topics related to contemporary business challenges are proposed to the senior leaders and managers.  Besides, We offer customized programs to clients at their premises or at their preferred venue. In house training sessions guarantee more confidentiality of the issues covered. Also, it focuses on the specific problems that the client company wants to tackle. The package we offer has the flexibility of budget, content and duration.

Image by Chris Montgomery
Support Group


Let's Move Your Business or Career from Where it Is to Where You want it to Be

We offer business coaching as well as executive coaching. Coaching is an inquiry-based approach to personal and professional development that aims at creating awareness, generating action, and facilitating learning and growth. Business coaching is a process of Goal Setting, Planning, Strategic and Tactical choices combined with Personal and Professional Development. Building Winners  assist and guide business owners in running their business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal goals. We take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be. Furthermore, lots of executives need personal and professional support as they move to higher positions within their organizations. Likewise, graduates need coaching as they join the corporate sector. Our executive coaching sessions will improve performance by helping individuals to develop and sustain new perspectives, attitudes, skills and behaviors.

Advisory & Consulting

Grow Your Business

We consult with our clients and propose strategic and operational support in our fields of competency. We also examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. As presented by our lists of modules, our advisory and consulting areas deal with strategic planning, leadership, organizational transformation, FMCG commercial leadership, risk management, and innovation. Solving clients’ complex issues is a priority at Building Winners. We take pride in helping organizations strengthen their competitive edge and become sustainable.

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