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Grocery Store Worker

Capturing value at retail

  • Set-up a efficient brand/pack strategy to deliver revenue growth

  • Having the right brand, in the right position, at the right fixture

  • Consolidated range of product in store to improve shopper choice and operational complexity

  • Setting and maintaining optimal merchandising standards

  • Adjacency opportunities to help provide more holistic occasion solutions

  • Packages & equipment to capture more value at impulse zones throughout the store

  • Setting a clear package hierarchy which is differentiated across occasions and channels

  • Capturing infrequent users in the right channels through dedicated recruitment packages

  • Leveraging total package portfolio to balance the needs of recruitment, volume generation and value creation

  • Having a clear understanding of who our different beverage shoppers are, and how the create value for our customers

  • Working with customers to better understand their strategic opportunities, and customize beverage strategies to drive their agenda

  • Bringing a holistic category activation plan to life across the entire store

  • Ensuring sufficient and efficient placement of merchandising equipment within the market

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